The Mixed Offshore World Series (MOWS) offers sailors, teams, national federations and clubs, a highly cost-effective way of Olympic sailing at central organized event-series including an all-provided boat-park and professional race management by the organizing authority.
In the MOWS a limited number of teams per nation compete, and racing results in one nation-based and one team-based ranking for each event. Depending on the size of the fleet, there will be separate starts and rankings for the individual races, as in the well-known format of the SAILING Champions League.
Up to twelve events over one full MOWS season will be held per year with one event consisting of between two to four regatta days. The series will be coastal races from country to country under World Sailing rules and as close as possible to the Olympic format.
The event-series will be launched step by step in different continents and the regional series in each continent will lead to the Mixed Offshore World Final concluding the season. In current planning are ongoing training opportunities across the globe for international teams enabled through a permanent access to the boat park throughout the year.
The series is strongly supported by all National Sailing Federations of the participating nations and the leading hosting clubs.
Live-tracking and broadcasting as well as professional PR and social media campaigning ensure that the competition can be followed from all around the globe all sailing season long.